Luego de encontrar a la perrita abandonada tras el fallecimiento de su dueño, la Sociedad Humanitaria de Nebraska (Estados Unidos) fue la encargada de llevarla a su recuperación en una bolsa porque no podía ni moverse, pues estaba cubierta por una enorme capa de pelo enredado y unas terribles uñas largas.
El equipo de expertos la anestesió y le instaló un tubo respiratorio para luego empezar con la labor de rescatarla cortándole cuidadosamente los nudos de pelo a causa de la suciedad. Finalmente, le extrajeron cuatro kilos de pelaje, le detectaron una infección en una de sus patas y un desgaste muscular por pasar tanto tiempo sin movilidad.
"Espero que podamos salvar sus piernas", expresó con preocupación la Dra. Amber Horn, ya que temía que el pelo hubiese cortado el flujo sanguíneo de las patas del animal.
Luego de un gran trabajo de más de cinco horas, los médicos expertos encontraron bajo esa aterradora apariencia a una tierna perrita a la que llamaron Ellie Mae.
Tiempo después, Ellie inició una nueva vida con una mujer de 91 años que decidió adoptarla para darle mucho amor y buenos cuidados.
Warning: Some of the photos in this thread will be graphic.
— Nebraska Humane Society (@NEHumaneSociety) September 13, 2019
Ellie Mae came to NHS a few weeks ago and was the worst case of matting we had ever seen. She was covered in 9 pounds of smelly and matted hair. Luckily our team sprung into action and now she's doing better than ever.
This is what she looked like when she arrived at the shelter. She arrived in a storage tote because she couldn't walk. She couldn't even move. She was found in the home of her owner, who had died, by those sent to clean up the house. The didn't know she had a dog.
— Nebraska Humane Society (@NEHumaneSociety) September 13, 2019
We carefully cut through the grimy hair with no idea what we would find underneath. Our vet, Dr. Amber Horn, was worried that we wouldn't be able to save her legs. A past dog had matted hair so bad it had cut off the blood flow of a dog's leg, requiring partial amputation.
— Nebraska Humane Society (@NEHumaneSociety) September 13, 2019
It took an hour to remove the 9 pounds of matted weight from Ellie Mae's 11-pound body. One food was infected. She would need hernia surgery, dental work, and she had muscle wasting and arthritis in her back end, after years of not being used.
— Nebraska Humane Society (@NEHumaneSociety) September 13, 2019
5 hrs. after the work was done, she was ready to go outside. She stumbled a bit as she hadn't walked in some time. Now two weeks later she's stronger, loves to explore and greets everyone with a sweet face and a happy demeanor. You wouldn't know she was the same dog as before.
— Nebraska Humane Society (@NEHumaneSociety) September 13, 2019
As you can see, Ellie Mae is doing so much better. We’re glad that we were able to help her out when we did.
— Nebraska Humane Society (@NEHumaneSociety) September 13, 2019
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